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Create DPP

Create DPP for an issuer

Endpoint Information

  • Method: POST
  • URL: /dpp
  • Authentication Required: Yes


API key must be provided in the x-api-key header.

Request body

The request body must include:

  • issuerBusinessId – A string representing the unique businessId of the issuer
  • data – A JSON object containing the digital product passport data

Example request

"issuerBusinessId": "1234567-8",
"data": {
"product": {
"productId": "9359502000041",
"weight": {
"value": "500",
"unit": "g",
"image": "",
"description": "Plain T-shirt",
"manufacturer": {
"name": "Example company"
"batch": {
"batchId": "5698754215",
"manufacturedDate": "Wed Aug 28 2024",
"provenance": [
"country": "FI",
"percentage": 100


✅ 200 – Success

"message": "DPP created successfully",
"data": { ... }